Pickleball is taking the world by storm, but why? And what is it? It’s nearly unavoidable; everyone seems to be getting into it, from dentists to grandmas! We were curious about how a game invented in 1965 is only now in the national spotlight. So we talked to two members of our B4orce who are passionate about pickleball. Professional Pickleball Player, Edward Perez, shared his contagious passion for the sport as he works his way into the top 20 of professional pickleball rankings. Jennifer Kelter also described why she loves pickleball so much and what keeps her coming back to the court every chance she gets.
EDWARD: Pickleball is a combination of tennis, table tennis, badminton, and racquetball. It’s the best melting pot of sports in the world and so easy to pick up and learn!
JENNIFER: I would say it is a mix between tennis and ping pong. It is like playing on a life-sized ping pong table.
EDWARD: I started playing at the beginning of 2021 and I’ve been addicted since!
JENNIFER: I played Pickleball for the first time with my 74-year-old mom, probably 4 or 5 years ago, maybe 6 years ago. I would just play a couple of times a year when I would go see her in North Carolina, and then I found some courts here in central Florida with probably 100 people that show up every week.
EDWARD: It’s such a fun and social sport. You can go out to any park with courts, immediately start playing, and you’ll make so many new friends! Also for anyone looking to compete, tournaments are easy to sign up for and your competition cup will get filled!
JENNIFER: I think Pickleball is gaining in popularity because it is easy to catch on; there is always a ton of people playing. You don’t have to find two teams to play soccer or someone to go play tennis with. It’s a fun sport, and the people that I’ve met playing have all been great. So, it’s just a great community and a great crowd of people.
EDWARD: I love the social aspect the most. I’ve made so many new friends across the country just by playing this sport. The happiness this sport has brought me has really changed me for the better!
JENNIFER: I just enjoy playing with friends, family, and whoever I can play with. We just have a blast. It’s exercise without going to the gym. I can just play pickleball and not think about anything.